I can't remember a time when I wasn't aware of my intuitive gifts. But I quickly realized the rest of the kids weren't seeing and hearing what I was, and I learned to keep quiet about what I was experiencing.
In my twenties, I moved to San Francisco. I realized I have a gift for helping people who are in transition—or who feel that they’re at a crossroads—make Spirit-informed decisions about their best path. I also helped people come to terms with paranormal activity in their homes and workplaces.
In 1989, I began to be actively involved in the Episcopal Church. I served as a lay catechist (someone who teaches newcomers about the history, traditions, and sacramental life of the Church); a spiritual mentor to adults dealing with transition and conversion; and a practitioner of the Church’s healing ministry (sometimes called the “laying on of hands”).
In 1992, I was enrolled at CDSP in Berkeley, an Episcopal seminary. During my years there, I gained tremendously valuable tools for growth in theology, counseling, liturgy, and much more. But it became clear to me that instead of being called to ordained parish ministry, I was being led down a more non-traditional path. I came to believe that my calling was to use my intuitive gifts to help others connect with the Divine and further their spiritual growth.
In 2007, I went through a physical health crisis that brought my intuitive gifts into much sharper relief. I realized that I was being given a choice. I could continue a life of struggle and misalignment with my purpose, or I could embrace my abilities and finally step onto the path I felt Spirit was leading me to ... a professional commitment to helping people step out of the fog of confusion and reconnect with their own inner guidance.
In 2008, I began a series of podcasts, broadcasting from my office in San Francisco with a view of the sparkling lights around the Bay. That podcast picked up speed and became the weekly Out of the Fog show that's now heard around the world on Spotify, Anchor.fm, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Podcasts, iHeart Radio, TuneIn Radio, Stitcher, Luminary, and tons of other places besides.
In 2009, our
family relocated to southeastern Michigan after more than 22
years in San Francisco.
In 2013 I began to travel and teach in-person classes and hold gallery readings in spaces across the US. I created the Breathe, Love, Live healing method to help people learn to release negative patterns and energy gently and safely through their heart center. I also teamed up with astrologer Dr. Michael Lennox to create online and in-person gallery readings that combine astrology and intuitive insight.
From 2014-2019 I taught tons of classes online and in-person in SF and LA. My work with private clients expanded tremendously, and I'm so grateful for all the new heart connections that have been made.
These days, I'm focusing on private sessions with people who are looking for intuitive guidance that empowers them to trust their inner wise self. I now do more than 1200 private sessions each year. I'm always creating tons of new classes, and expanding my online and in-person offerings.
Out of the Fog with Karen Hager continues to expand, and we're syndicated on radio stations all over the place! I continue to travel and teach as I'm called, and have some great ideas for new classes and projects.
I'm co-founder of Opening the Peaceful Heart: A Call for Love. This monthly free guided meditation call brings together people from all over the world who want to join in a collective intention for peace in our hearts and peace in the world.
I have a loving wife, two beautiful sons, and a rambunctious dog. When I'm not in the office, you can find me knitting, binge-watching Netflix, and messing around with jigsaw puzzles.
My personal spiritual outlook and practice is Anglican/Episcopalian, but I believe that we are all children of the same Divine Source. Although I work from a Christ-centered space, I welcome anyone of any faith—and those who profess none at all!