
Out of the Fog Salon

Exclusive Online Gallery Reading

Saturday March 15th    
noon Pacific / 3 pm Eastern

$22.22 guaranteed reading

Got a question about career, money, love, or your spiritual journey?

The Out of the Fog Salon is a gallery reading ... but with a
very limited number of attendees. Everyone in the group will receive a short reading (about 7 minutes) from Karen!

Click here to purchase your ticket

Click here to read what people are saying about their readings with Karen.

It's a hit! Here's what attendees say about the Out of the Fog Salon:

It was so awesome to feel the energy of the group. I just listened to the recording and you crack me up (in a good way). So much joy in the way you work! I feel wonderful and lifted having been a party to it. The reading was extremely helpful. Good thing you can talk fast cause you got a lot of stuff in in a short time.
-- C.C.

Here are the details:
  1. When you register, you'll get an exclusive Zoom link to gain access to the Salon.
  2. Have one or two SPECIFIC questions ready before you call in.
  3. Download the free Zoom app on the device you'll use to join the call.
  4. On Saturday 3/15 at noon Pacific / 1 pm Mountain / 2 pm Central / 3 pm Eastern, join the Salon using the unique access details provided.
  5. Karen will lead a short meditation to clear energy and raise the vibration of the group.
  6. Each person on the call will receive guidance from Karen in a seven-minute reading! You'll gain insight not only from your own reading, but by listening to others in the Salon.
Because everyone will get a reading, this circle is limited to 8 participants.

The messages I received about my business and my writing were amazing - thank you SO much. I feel very blessed that I was part of such an amazing group and definitely could feel the loving energy and support from the other women on the call.
-- T.P.

In this special session, you will gain insight from your own seven-minute personal reading with Karen Hager, and by listening to and learning from the messages given to other attendees! 

In her work with private clients all over the world, with psychic development students, and through her popular "Out of the Fog" podcast, Karen delivers intuitive guidance with compassion and clarity. There's usually a lot of laughter, too!

Bring a specific question or two for me to work with, and get ready for laughter, insight, and Light!

The session fee for this high-vibration intuitive event is only $22.22 US. Use the button at the top of the page to pay securely.

Thank you for the Salon today! It was so much fun, and the energy was intense.
-- J.L.

The Out of the Fog Salon is limited to a very small number of attendees. Once you've registered, you'll be directed to a page where you'll receive info about accessing the call on Zoom. Because of the exclusive nature of this group, please DO NOT share your unique access info with anyone.

Please contact me if you have questions about this event or would like more information.