
Meet Your Guides with Karen Hager

The live version of this class will be offered again in 2025.

Making a purchase from this page gets you class recordings from the March 2024 session, as well as all class materials listed below.

$55 tuition $33.33

What will you receive?

How much is it?
Your investment is  $55  $33.33. You get the recorded 90-minute class, journal download, and bonus audio meditation.

>> Yes, please! I'm ready to sign up! <<

Feeling lost? Looking for guidance ... your true inner guidance ... and coming up empty?

I want to help you open the door to greater clarity, greater connection with your guides.

In this delightfully affordable class, you'll experience a powerful group meditation and activation that allows you to begin to connect ... safely, at your own
pace, in your own way ... with your guides. They are standing by to help you!

We come into these physical bodies with tremendous spiritual and energetic resources. But most of us don't even scratch the surface of the tools available to us for living a fuller, more intuitive life!

Our spirit guides are with us always, and we can choose to tap into their guidance for greater clarity, greater abundance, greater connectio
n with the Divine.

But as I've worked with thousands of people over the years, I've learned that many of us just don't know how to start that conversation. Guides can seem distant, unavailable, even imaginary ... and how can we tell if they're sending messages to us anyway?

Ready to find out?

>> Yes, I'm ready! <<

Meet Your

In this class we will discuss the following topics:
  • Who are spirit guides?
  • Why are they with us?
  • Does everyone have access to their guides?
  • How do our guides communicate with us?
  • Is my loved one who passed over one of my guides?
  • What's the difference between guides and angels?
  • How can we trust that what we receive is from our guides and not just our imagination?
  • Is there a "right" and "wrong" way to ask things of our guides?
And much more ...

This class allows you to:
  • Gain greater understanding of who guides are and why they're here
  • Participate in a unique group meditation/activation experience that safely and gently opens the door to help you meet your guide(s)
  • Ask questions directly of Karen in a lively Q & A session that may include intuitive insight on your personal concerns (live version only)

Register Now and Receive Special Bonuses

With your  $55  $33.33 tuition, you will also receive:

BONUS 1: Spirit Guide Communication Journal (pdf)

Includes prayers, questions for journaling, space for recording messages from your guides, exercises to enhance your awareness of guides, and more. You'll receive this pdf via email a few days before class so you can work with it before we meet if you choose. It's also meant to be used as an exploration journal after class to help you document your experiences with your guides and give you tools to go deeper.

BONUS 2: Exclusive Guided Meditation Audio (mp3)

This high-quality audio was created especially to give you an additional method to connect with your guides. You'll receive this bonus recording within 24 hours after the live class. Please note that this is NOT the same meditation we'll be doing in class! I want to give you as many tools as possible to find the kind of connection that works for you.

Purchase here!

$55 tuition $33.33

Your tuition includes the 90-minute recorded class, Spirit Guide Communication Journal, and the bonus audio meditation


What's the format of this class?
    In the first part of our time together, I'll be teaching about guides in general and getting specifically into different types of guides and how we can work with them. This will include practical tools as well as ideas for opening spiritually to our guides.
    The second part of the class is an experiential guided meditation that will safely allow you to become aware of your guides and, if you choose, to begin to receive messages from them.
    In the third part of class, I'll open it up for your questions and reactions, and will provide personal intuitive feedback as I'm guided and as time permits. (live class only)

Will you tell me my guide's name?
    My experience has been that our guides take names that have deep personal resonance for the individual they're working with, and we are meant to discover that name on our own. If you want to know your guide's name, this class will give you the opportunity and the tools to do so.

Will taking this class allow me to see my guides?
    Most people don't see their guides with their physical eyes. I "see" mine with my inner sight, and "hear" them clairaudiently (not through my physical ears). Taking this class will give you insight into how your guides communicate with you. Some examples of this are through sensations in the physical body, music, clairvoyant or clairaudient communication, dreams, manipulation of electronic devices, and many more.

If this is so great, why doesn't it cost more?
    I know people are hungry for this information. I love working one-on-one, but teaching a class like this allows me to reach more people and really get this vital info out in a bigger way. The material is tremendously valuable, and sometimes people who are seeking guidance also struggle with abundance. So I've priced this class at $22.22 even though I could charge a lot more.

I missed the live sessions. Will I still get good value from this class?
    Yes, indeed! Purchase here and keep an eye on your in-box! You'll receive the Spirit Guide Communication Journal, a recording of the class AND your bonus extra guided meditation audio.

Are you doing readings during the Q & A session? (live class session only)
    I always teach as I'm guided, and so there's a possibility that I will be tuning into a few people intuitively during the Q & A session at the end of class, although that's not the main focus of our time together. To be guaranteed a personal intuitive reading about your guides and your questions for them, please consider booking a private session

I have a question that's not covered here. How can I reach you?
    You are always very welcome to email me! You can find me at karen(at)karenhager.com